Wednesday, February 24, 2010

SA Reflections

Blake~ The trip to the AIDS facility really rang through my heart. It showed me how being on fire for God could help you to accomplish any impossible goal or task. He helped them to give 110%. Seeing the way people had love for those around them who “normal” people would regard as scum or too low for our love/undeserving, and how some of these Christians did all they could to help them made me realize that I need to judge less, and even if I don't like someone, I need to try and treat them with love.

Joe~ Through this pilgrimage God has shown me that he is more than faithful. The way every body lived- simple- really hit me and has showed me that I don't need ¾ of the stuff that I have. God showed me that I have always been worrying about how I am going to live, what I am going to do, how much money I'll have, but realize it is God takes care of me. He keeps me alive and well, and that if God is calling me to full time ministry... “How am I going to support my ministry” should be the least of my worries. I am going to tell of how God is touching the hearts of many who were prostitutes, beggars, and druggies and now they are risking their lives to reach the hearts of others.

Ana Laura~ What impacted me the most was to see people that had nothing be so happy to serve the Lord. They're thankful for everything. Some of us don't go to church because we're too tired or we don't have the exact perfect outfit to wear. They serve whether it's hot, cold, rain, or shine. They don't care what the conditions are. For example, the Zulu church was small, hot and smelly. All of them were so happy to serve God! From this, I learned nothing can separate me from God. I'm going to serve the Lord freely and unconditionally and thank him for what He has done!!

Matt~ I think that the kids (at the homework help) were great! I usually don't like kids because of a lack of patience, but I loved teaching them. They are very smart. I'm going to apply this trip to my life by acting like a Christian when I'm at school and lead by example. I'm going to try to have more patience.

Sam~ I've learned very much in SA, but the orphans in Noordsberg had the biggest impact on me. These kids were very easy to love, as they were innocent, helpless, and unspoiled. It seemed to us like they deserved love, so it was easy to give it to them. I have many people in my life who are hard to love, as I feel they don't deserve my love. They're mean “stupid” and I feel that I have every right to hate these people. Jesus tells us that we must love our enemies, but this is very difficult to do. Gal. 5.14 tells us we must love everyone as we love ourselves. When I am struggling with “loving” someone, recalling this verse and thinking of my love for the little African children will be helpful. I need to feel the same love for my enemies that I feel for the orphans, no less.

Elaina~ I think hat had the most impact for me on this part of this Quest experience has been the many meaningful encounters I have had with the people of SA. From the orphans at Noodsberg to the woman suffering from HIV, each of them touched my heart and gave my time in-country purpose for me. Seeing God working in SA was seeing the way God had manifested Himself in the people of SA. Each of them, in their own way, faced great struggles and yest they were all able to still place their whole trust tin God and love freely. When I get home, I am going to strive to be more like those I met in the SA and place God as the number ONE most important think in my life. Like the people of SA, I need to realize that when I get my whole sights on Him, only then will everything fall into place. No longer will I doubt of hold back but praise the Creator and love Him wholeheartedly.

Katie~ Seeing all the poverty and how little everybody has, yet they have so much love and joy! For example, the orphans who had nothing. They were lucky if they ate one meal a day, and we couldn't understand what they were saying. They didn't understand us very much either. Yet they loved us so much! Without knowing anything about us, they loved us unconditionally. Also just talking to people hit me. At the shelter Elaina and I were talking to this woman who fully opened herself up to us and talked about her struggles with us. It was hard not to love her, she needed love so badly. We prayed for her and cried with her and held her. Again Elaina and I were talking to someone in the mall who opened herself up to us. It's hard not to love someone when they need it so bad.
I want to love unconditionally. It's harder at home when people are complaining about not to judge them or join them. I want to have joy in my trials, and be content in my discontentment. There are people at home who are in desperate need of love and I want to be able to give love to them freely without any strings attached. I want to show the love of Christ fully and have His joy in my heart.

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