Saturday, January 19, 2013

Quest 14!

Quest 14 is just weeks away from traveling. This year 19 students from 13 congregations have entered into the Quest experience. Like the 221 "Questies" before them these students will travel via three teams to the Dominican Republic, South Africa and the City. The groups travel February 13-22.
You can follow this year's teams here on the Quest blog. We thank each of you who have supported the group in some way and we covet your prayers.

The Quest 14 Teams:

Dominican Republic           
Name, Church, City, State
1. Ella, New Colony, Billerica, MA
2. Leah, Waterbury B M, Waterbury, CT
3. David, Friendship, Litchfield, CT
4. Caitlin, Southbury, Southbury, CT
5. Isaac, Acton, MA
6. Melissa, Friendship, Litchfield, CT
DR Faculty
7.   Itamar Elizalde, director
8. Vinetta McCann, nurse practitioner
9. Jerry Ayantola, faculty
10.  Elaina DeStefano faculty, Q7 Alum
11. Angelo Padin, faculty, Q7 Alum

South Africa
Name, Church, City, State
1. Emily, Friendship, Litchfield, CT
2. Gary, Gr Boston Chinese , Quincy, MA
3. Rebecca, New Colony, Billerica, MA
4. Luke, FBC, Manchester, CT
5. Tori, Faith, Warwick, RI
6. Nick, Vita Abundente, Malden, MA
7. Julie, Celebration, Saugus, MA
SA Faculty
8.   Ken Hall, director
9.   Katelyn Saylor, assistant director, Q4 Alum
10. Stephanie Larosee, faculty, Q8 Alum

The City
Name, Church, City, State
1. Thaiz, New England Brazilan, Newton, MA
2. Bevin, Bridge/Faith, RI
3. Hannah, Camden, ME
4. Amenda, Gr Boston Chinese, Quincy, MA
5. Anthony, Celebration, Saugus, MA
6. Auguste, Friendship, Litchfield, CT
City Faculty
7.   Allyson Clark, director
8.   Rob Morzella, assistant director
9.   Kati Mapa, Q4 Alum