Friday, February 12, 2010

city news

a great day of learning to move around on public transportation on land and across the water. we have eaten local food for all our meals and everyone is enjoying the cuisine and the chai of course. the questies met other students today and gleaned from them rich insights. our friends were great guides and hosts. our eyes and hearts have been opened. tomorrow we tour some very old sites. a few quick showers but partly cloudy all day, we are thankful. all but one bag was delivered today. we pray for the last bag of mostly supplies arrives tomorrow. thanks for you dupport. c.t.


Patricia said...

Hey, City Team! It's fun to calculate the time difference between the time I'm writing this and your (probably) being sound asleep. Glad you're enjoying the food and drink! How's your recovery from jet lag? We are keeping you in our thoughts constantly and wish we could live out this marvelous experience with you--but it wouldn't be the same with parents along, would it??

Connie said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! We will keep praying for that last piece of missing luggage. Beans...bring home some good recipes!!

Benjamin said...

Hey Robbie. Good to hear that the trip is going well. Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you back here in Connecticut. Can't wait to hear about the trip when you get back.
Hope you enjoy seeing the buildings there.

Joshua D said...

Hi sister! I miss you! Little sister is at a spend the night party and we saw oldest brother play in his JV game. Middle brother is at a birthday party.
I hope you have a great time in the city.


Nina and Angel said...

You guys are in our prayers. thank God everything is going well. God bless.
Nina and Angel

Mook said...

Hey Sooze- glad to hear you guys made it alright. Is your BB working now? You're all in my prayers!!!

Queen - Ababa said...

Hey Susie and the rest of the city team! been keeping you in my prayers! so excited to hear what God is going to do in your lives as your there!

Unknown said...

Hi City Team! We enjoy reading your entries and hearing about your experiences. You are in our thoughts throughout the day (probably while you are alseep!)and are anxious to hear the details when you get back. Robbie, are you enjoying the Chai?
It will be hard to find a decient cup of it when you get back!!

Caleb and Asher said...

Hi Auntie Ally and Auntie Susie! Hope you are having a great trip! We are on vacation now too, but we don't get to go anywhere cool justhome! It's fun though! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Caleb and Asher

PS - Mommy says we're praying for you! (She makes us do it every night before bed.)

Jen said...

Julie and Jaime!
Praying the God will open your eyes to everything around you. Can't wait to hear about your experiences.


Anonymous said...

hey cullin, sounds like a long trip, hope you saw some great movies on the plane and finished the book you had with you. Bring back some recipes for the food you have tried. i will be following the stories from your trip. love jan

Anonymous said...

TORI!!! it's only been 4 days and i miss you already!! 7 days to go haha. by the way, ashley had her baby GIRL on weds afternoon :) anyways, sounds like things are going really well so far. continuing to pray for you and the team as always. so proud of you, best friend :)
-laur <3

Anonymous said...

Julie and Jaime,

I miss you both very much! I pray that God will open your eyes and ears, so that you will be able to serve him with all of your hearts. I am so proud of both of you for following him even though it took you around the world. I will be praying for you both and can not wait to see you when you get back.

Love Kathryn (or Kat)

Jerry Ayantola said...

It's great to hear that you guys are doing well. You all are in our prayers. Keep up the great work you guys are doing thru the power of God. Stay safe and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Here's a shout out to my girls from Hope Chapel. Julie and Jamie! I've been praying for you guys! I hope God is teaching you great things! Isn't the food delicious?? Don't get me started on the Chai! Haha. I love you guys, be safe!

To beans: I am praying for you as well! I pray that God will open your eyes and your heart so that you grow in your spiritual walk with Christ! Love you beans! Frope represent!

Kelsea Rantala Q10

joyce tourigny said...

Hi Tori,

I'm praying daily for your wonderful adventure and time the Lord and use you! We are all so PROUD you!! How is the weather there? Have a blessed day!