Tuesday, February 22, 2011

City team

Our day began with a visit to a local university where we heard about the school and took a tour. The University is brand new, only in it's second year. The school rep is actually an American and talked about the opportunities to study abroad and he told about his own experience. We then drove out to the site of their new full campus and prayed for the expanding school and God's purpose.

Our host most of the day was a great guy who actually was a summer intern in N.E. about 10 years ago. It was pretty cool to swap stories.

This evening we visited the home of one of our friends. Others stopped by to visit and we made cookies. More conversations. We are learning a lot about listening and sharing stories.

On the way home we had a late dinner near our hotel. We love the local food and drink. We enjoy the local food servers hospitality and trying new foods.

Our time is winding down but we hope to finish strong. Thanks for your continued support, comments, and prayers.

(a.p. - thanks for the sports update! sooo ready to watch baseball!)


Rachel Scaia said...

"I took the little scroll from the angel's hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour." Rev. 10:10

Robby Bobby,

These last few days, this verse has weighed heavy on me... praying for you all as you're in the city that you're in, the reality and relevance of what John is experiencing has overwhelmed me. I pray you've been able to be still this trip, and if it hasn't already, that the truth of this revelation would overcome you as well.


As often as you're ready to jump in and get going, I'm excited to read that a good portion of your trip has been about listening. I've had the privilege of growing alongside you, and as I always say, I remain encouraged by who you've become/are becoming. I pray that you would be challenged, in some different way, by this experience.


"Let it be said of us, that our hearts belong to Jesus; let it be said of us, by the fruit we leave behind."

Like so many others, I've been blessed by your friendship/mentoring; there are conversations burned into me so deeply, that they still cripple at times (hah!). Regardless, there isn't a time that I recall such advice, and consider myself unchanged. I pray that you'll continue to be led as you continue to lead others. "May our legacy be blessing."


Gina Wilson said...

Is anyone collecting any recipes for this wonderful food you all are eating over there? It sounds like God continues to bless and bless your time and activities. So, Kika, did you enjoy your first college tour? Looking forward to hearing some of these stories you are learning to share.

Jen said...

What amazing stories you all have to share! Pray for strength in your last few days.

Jen, Caleb and Asher

Love to Auntie Ally
Hey to Erica, Dean and Sam's daddy

Lisa said...

WHAT UP ROB --- Excited to hear about your communications and experiences. Must have been neat to visit a 2 year old University. Looking forward to your return ---

Always looking up!

juliee said...

jackieee!! im so gld you're having fun. i can't wait for you to come back and share all your stories with me as we stay up eating chocolate covered grapes...(dad got a little excited with the dessert last night)...

to let you know whats going on with boston metro- this week you, dad, andre, and rafa are gonna be gone so its kinda up to me to get everything right.. its so nerve-wrecking!!

i miss and love you sis!! :)

nick souza said...

jackie have a safe trip home. and have a great time there. love you. nicky.

dad said...

hey jackie. daddy's leaving for atlanta so im just here to say hello. and goodbye. love you.

Shelley Williamson said...

Hi Dean,

We continue to pray for you and all the Questies.

I bought Honey Nut Cheerios today as well as some bananas that should be ripe by the time you come home on Saturday :-)

I love you and can't wait to hear how God worked in and through you on your trip...