In the beginning God. That is how everything in your life should start with. Rpger Hesch was the man who taught me this and that I should see first the will of God, then I shall reap the benefits. Burlington and Sydenham were the places we went to see and help out with the Informal settlements. There I learned that I live way too comfortable of a life and was not appreciating the things I have enough. I now plan to try and keep them in my mind in America to keep myself humble and conservative. Bongani’s enthusiasm and way he looks at life gives me hope that even in a terrible situation and environment can I praise God and live a happy life. Then the houses we visited with Judy and Priscilla, showing me the photos opened my eyes to the spiritual warfare that is happening. As well, the beauty of SA truly inspires me and is breathtaking to see roll by. All of these elements came together for me in the period of one week that formed my own Quest. I thank the Lord for this trip that helped me grow and understand that God works everywhere.
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