(The SA team has limited internet access. They are doing fine just not able to blog as often. Meg, our contact, has shared some brief bits of information.)
Monday the group traveled about one hour outside the city to Tala Game Park. The group rode through the park in open safari Land Rovers. Tala has rhino, hippo, giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, and 16 species of antelope.
In the afternoon the group returned to the Dream Centre. “We distributed the shampoos/conditioners and the socks at the Dream Centre...I believe that every patient in the building got them, along with the 'Living in Hope' booklet. The socks were a HUGE hit! Another lady prayed to receive Christ at the Dream Centre on Monday afternoon and our 'treat supper' at the Butcher Block near the B&B was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.”
Most of the school supplies the group brought were given out as a special treat from the team to the kids (from both settlements) that came to Sunday School and/or church in Sydenham on Sunday morning, while some of them remain with Zuki for her children's ministry to use in the weeks to come (crayons etc).
Today, Tuesday, the group is painting the Recycled Church. “I just called Roger to ask how the church-painting is going and he said that they had already finished two coats on the walls and were starting on the floor (I didn't even know that was in the plans). Some friends at Westville helped connect us to a paint-store-owner that gave Roger a discounted price on paint that was better quality than the cheap stuff; so we got good quality for a mid-range price. God is good.”
“We've had great weather throughout (although warm). Roger crashed and took a two day break for a sinus infection on Sun/Mon...I am glad that he is better!!!”
Monday the group traveled about one hour outside the city to Tala Game Park. The group rode through the park in open safari Land Rovers. Tala has rhino, hippo, giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, and 16 species of antelope.
In the afternoon the group returned to the Dream Centre. “We distributed the shampoos/conditioners and the socks at the Dream Centre...I believe that every patient in the building got them, along with the 'Living in Hope' booklet. The socks were a HUGE hit! Another lady prayed to receive Christ at the Dream Centre on Monday afternoon and our 'treat supper' at the Butcher Block near the B&B was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.”
Most of the school supplies the group brought were given out as a special treat from the team to the kids (from both settlements) that came to Sunday School and/or church in Sydenham on Sunday morning, while some of them remain with Zuki for her children's ministry to use in the weeks to come (crayons etc).
Today, Tuesday, the group is painting the Recycled Church. “I just called Roger to ask how the church-painting is going and he said that they had already finished two coats on the walls and were starting on the floor (I didn't even know that was in the plans). Some friends at Westville helped connect us to a paint-store-owner that gave Roger a discounted price on paint that was better quality than the cheap stuff; so we got good quality for a mid-range price. God is good.”
“We've had great weather throughout (although warm). Roger crashed and took a two day break for a sinus infection on Sun/Mon...I am glad that he is better!!!”
Kevin C & Ashley G - I continue to pray for you and the Quest team as you serve Our Great God. I am writing to you from SD as I am visiting my daughter at U of South Dakota. Temps dipping down to -14 at night (BRRRR). I know that God is using this experience to allow you to see His work first hand. Keep looking to Him for strength as you continue to serve. I know that you are looking forward to return to RI to see family and friends. Looking forward to hearing all that He is doing is SA and DR.
Tim McDowell
Toffuti Vanilla Almond Crunch-
Your sisters miss you. And they're very proud of you. Keep up the hard work. They're excited for you to come home and tell them really good stories with Topher-seizures attached. <3
I'm sorry, I just have to laugh at Sam's previous comment.
Topher - would it be alright if I began calling you Toffuti as well? ;)
but in all seriousness, I've been praying constantly for all of you!! May God's amazing works continue to reveal themselves throughout the rest of this week. You are the instruments He's going to use to make great things happen; some of which you'll never even know about! I pray for your continued safety this week, and hope you're allowing yourselves to be spoken to.
Again I urge you, invest time in one another. Family and friends back home may never understand completely the experiences you've endured, but your teammates are the ones who will. Lean on each other, be open and honest about the things God is doing in you. It's the best way to be held accountable once you're faced with "real life" again.
May His hand be upon you.
God bless.
- Rachel.
Hi Topher & SA team
We are looking forward to hearing all about your experiences in SA. Dad will surely put you to work now that you are an experienced painter! Sadie is excited to see all the pictures of the animals you have seen (like the ones in her arc) and to learn the noises they all make. We love you and miss you -
Janice Serrano,
Tio & Titi want to let you know that we are proud of you and for the love you have towards Jesus and others. We will be praying for you and the team. "Continue serving God by serving others"...We love you and hope to see you soon - we hope you are enjoying the weather since it is COLD and SNOWING over here. LOL
Tio Jonathan & Titi Lizbeth
Susieeeeeeeeeeeeee. i miss you like woahhhh. I've been thinking how i haven't talked to you/seen you in prob like a month. um NOT cool. 1) you STILL haven't visited me at school and 2)we haven't hung out in ages! i miss driving in your car with you w/marc anthony/enrique blasting! anyway this is prob NOT the best time to be nagging you for not visiting. BUT I'll be praying for you and the rest of the group in SA and the DR. we prayed for you at my intervarsity bible study so stay encouraged :) i can't wait for you to come home and COME VISIT so i can hear all about your experience. I love you tonsss. god bless! :)
ps-here's a verse that i love and thought i'd share with you and the group:
"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" Psalm 46:10
heyy girl its me tatiana, yes a former questie!! well i just wanted to let u know that im sooo proud of you and i cant wait to hear the stories! u are very well missed but i kow God is going to use you....soo let the light shine! ohh and i love u very much...and the best of luck to all of you...muahzzzzz!
Janice.....tippy tip tip hahha...lol
We miss you Ben D.! Dad and I are praying for you and Melissa daily. Grammy & Grampy send their love and wishes as well. We went to a dinner/show with them last night and were the only ones without gray hair. (Though that's coming soon). Ben we miss your "watsup", "keep it real" sayings. It's so cool to see how God is using you guys.
Love you lots.
Mom (aka Tina) and Dad
Hi Sooze,
Sounds like you guys are havin a blast over there! Enjoy the warmth and sun and keep up all the awesome work you're all doing. A year ago today I was in Fort Myers with Bass at spring training. If you haven't heard yet, Curt is out all season with a shoulder issue :0 Don't let that bother you though...and have a great rest of time there!
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