Monday, February 18, 2013
DR Team update- Ella
It's been three days since we've posted and so much has happened! We're continuing working on the bathroom as well as kids ministry. We've had some set backs for thebuilding so keep that in your prayers! Sunday morning we went to the International Baptist Church (IBI) in the city and enjoyed worshipping in their congregationfinished off by an awesomne sermon on God's mercy and truth. Later that evening we also got to help lead worship in Cercadillo(the community we've been working)with songs, skits, bible stories and testimonies. children and teen ministry has also given us awesome opportunities to teach english, reading and math to the kids. Thus far we're all alive and well with all of our limbs, but keep us in your prayers, and keep on commenting! We love to hear from home! :-)

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I'm so happy to see an update. It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun while touching people's lives. I will pray for the bathroom project to be a success. To my cousin, Caitlin, my shining star, keep up the great work!!! I love you so much! Xoxo Andrew
We are so happy to hear that you are all still "limbed". We pray that you will remain so. So excited that you got to spend some time with some of the kids, teaching them and showing them God's love. I hope the building project gets back on track and that guys feel like you are able to accomplish what God would hope. We'll be praying for you all. Ella, we miss you and look forward to seeing you soon. It's strange without your singing.
So glad to hear about how things are going! Praying for you all and for those that you are ministering too! We love and miss you and can't wait to hear stories first hand Ella!!
Good morning Questies. Glad to get the update. Love the pics. Looks like you are having fun as well as the children you are ministering to. Will continue to keep you all in our prayers. Praying that God will have His way in your lives as well as the lives you are touching there. And praying for the buidling project, that it will be able to be completed. God has promised to be with you, just as he promised Moses, Joshua, and the disciples. How awesome is that! Missing you Davey Boy, but thankful you have this opportunity. Love you much, Papa and Grammy :)
hello Leah, you are doing what you always wanted to do with children. Enjoy them and yourself. God has given you this opportunity for you to grow in the Lord and share your talent with them. I miss you mucho. Love you. Mommy XOXOX
Hello DR team! It's susie in very chilly NE! Been praying for you and studying along with you! My prayer is that you "walk worthy of the calling with which you were called" and that you watch for those moments that HE works "exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think!"
I love Cercadillo! Please give a big hug to Ina for me! Any visits to the mercado yet?
See you all SO soon!
Glad to here all of you are doing well! Can't wait to hear the stories of what God has shown you through your journey!
Melissa and David, We missed you guys of fri, we played your favorite game..ticket to ride lol :)
David, you better check your room when you get home. Rachel may have put some of your stuff on ebay...
We love you guys and are continually praying for you all!
Hi Ella and DR crew! Great to hear from you all! So excited about the work you're doing. Hey Ella, Jen Wangia is engaged! Looking forward to more updates!
Thanks for the update! Praying for you and the group every day, will pray specifically re: the setbacks with your project, as well as for good health and good spirits for all of you.
We miss having you at home and can't wait to see you Saturday!
I am so glad to hear that you and the team are doing well! You all have been (and will continue to be) in my prayers, and I can't wait to hear all of your stories! It sounds like God is using you all to do a great work in the DR! :)
So happy to see this post and beautiful pictures! Caitlin I am so proud of you!! Keep on spreading your joy and beauty. You truly make the world a better place, I hope you believe me now ;) Sending hugs and kisses (youresquashingmebutiloveyou)
Hey team! It's been really exciting to read about all that you're doing there.. what a testament you are to the God we serve. Trusting that you will continue to see His hand at work..
David & Melissa - confident that you both are being changed and made different by your journey; I can't wait to hear all about what God has shown you through this experience.
- Rachel
I've been thinking about you this whole week. I miss you so much and so does the whole family. You'll be home in 4 days and I can't wait to hear everything. I'm so proud of mama and jealous of all the fun your having. You love kids and that's what God has you doing. Stay focused. I love you and can't wait to hear from you. xoxo Stormy
Hey DR team!!
So excited to read about all of the awesome work you guys are doing there. It is so cool to know that God is using you in big ways in such a short amount of time being there.
ITA! I miss you so much it hurts and it hasn't even been a week! haha... but seriously!! praying that God is giving you energy and excitement to lead and do his work. can't wait for your return and to hear all about this journey. LOVE YOU!
Jer!! Praying the same that you are energized by the work you're doing and relying on God to help you focus and also have an open heart to what He's showing you. You are such a blessing & I am so happy that the DR gets to experience a little bit of time with you.. but I'm excited to get you back :) lol. Love you!!
Praying for a strong finish and safe travels home,
As Allyson always says...Finish Strong. Praying for strength and joy in your final days in the DR. Jerry ....zay says hi to you and your team. Love u
I enjoyed reading the update and seeing the pictures, especially the one with Isaac. Way to go! God bless all of you!
CBC! You are such an asset and its awesome to see you sharing your many gifts with the world. We love you! Xoxo Jacki & Robert
Bravo! This team is awesome! Very proud of all of you for giving so much of yourselves to people in need! Be safe and may God Bless you. Wow, Caitlin, I can see how the children love you. You give so much with your kind heart and amazing smile! Keep up the good work! <3
We love because he first loved us. -1 John 4:19
Love you, Aunt Donna
There is a picture of a little boy on the back of one of the girls...i remember when he was a baby mimicking our faces and laughing at us. how big he has gotten and how wonderful it is to see him still playing and enjoying the company of Questies. I pray for every team that is out of the USA. have a safe return! XOXO Alex ZAppala
Hi, Ella,
Sounds like a wonderful experience. Can't wait to hear more when you get home.
Love, Meemaw
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