The City- The team left last night and should be striving in New York around noon before their final flight to Boston.
DR- Their flight was delayed a bit but they should be landing in Boston within the hour.
SA- They have landed in Atlanta and should be in Boston by noon.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Quest Celebration Time Change
Due to the possible snow storm on Saturday, we are changing the celebration time to 11:30 to 1.
If you haven't sent an RSVP please do so:
SA Team heading home
The team has wrapped up their time in South Africa and are heading home. Pray for their 24+ hour journey!
Last Day DR Team
Wow time really flew by!! Yesterday was our last day of ministry in the village. It was pretty hard saying good bye to all the kids and other guys we worked with for the bathroom project. It’s been amazing to see the many ways God works in another country, how He changes lives. We learned so much from hearing the testimonies of so many of the people Ina works with. Despite the couple setbacks we had for the bathroom project the engineer we worked with said it had been the fastest they had built it. We didn’t get to complete it but were very close to it. We thank God for the unity and team work throughout the week displayed through all members of our team. It’s great that we were able to help with a physical need for the village, but the most important was sharing the gospel and being testimonies of His great love to all people. Today will be a fun filled and adventurous day. We will be headed to the market, the colonial city, the beach (yay!!!), and eat some great Dominican food before we get on our plane back to the states at 4:30am tomorrow. Pray for God’s voice to speak to us personally as we debrief our awesome time together and our travels. We miss you guys so much and can’t wait (or maybe we can with the frigid temperatures awaiting us) to see and share with you all!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Parents, Pastors and Mentors, if you have not sent an RSVP for the Quest Celebration on Saturday, noon - 2 p.m., please do so:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Happy Tuesday!
Yesterday was our fun day, and that is exactly what it was! We started the day off by traveling to the beach all the kids really enjoyed themselves. Afterwards we headed over to some shops where the students were able to buy gifts and things to remember this great country by. After the beach we headed to the Game Park, or rather a Safari! We saw many animals but the most exciting was the Rhino. After the game park we headed to Deshni's parents house for a wonderful dinner, it was like a home away from home for us all.Today we have gone to the Aids Respite and learned much, we will soon be heading to Kwadabecka to drop off a basketball net, and basketball sneakers, and we will be wrapping our day up with some street ministry. The students are really being stretched this week and learning much about how great our God truly is. Love and miss you all!!
Monday, February 18, 2013
DR Team update- Ella
It's been three days since we've posted and so much has happened! We're continuing working on the bathroom as well as kids ministry. We've had some set backs for thebuilding so keep that in your prayers! Sunday morning we went to the International Baptist Church (IBI) in the city and enjoyed worshipping in their congregationfinished off by an awesomne sermon on God's mercy and truth. Later that evening we also got to help lead worship in Cercadillo(the community we've been working)with songs, skits, bible stories and testimonies. children and teen ministry has also given us awesome opportunities to teach english, reading and math to the kids. Thus far we're all alive and well with all of our limbs, but keep us in your prayers, and keep on commenting! We love to hear from home! :-)

City news
Sorry for not posting but we have been on the go. Church was great Sunday, even though we speak another language the Spirit was so evident. A large group went to lunch where we had wonderful conversations with new and old friends. For those of you who have been here,our waiters were the same great guys!
Today we rode in taxi's to a high point in the City. We prayer walked, praying for the 15+ million people who live in the City where only 2000 are Christ followers. It was a powerful time.
Tonight we had dinner with long time friends and their children. Such a nice time sharing updates about our journey.
We are enjoying the amazing food, learning to have meaningful conversations and riding all
Sorts of public transportation. So far-- bus, ferry, taxi, cable car, and lots of walking!
Tomorrow we will include a visit to a college campus and have dinner with our good friend "Lydia".
Thanks for your prayer!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Hi All,
Today is Sunday and we are currently spending some time with a family outside of Durban. Yesterday, we went to an informal settlement and fed a hotdog lunch to the locals. In the afternoon, we bonded with a youth goup from an Indian church. Today we split into two groups and visited two seperate churches. Tonight, we will celebrate Gary and Rebecca's Birthday. We are having a wonderful time and experiencing God work among our group and the people we are meeting. Tomorrow we are taking some time off to see the beach and go on a safari. We are all doing great and really enjoying our time.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
son through the rain
Yesterday was a cold rainy day but we all survived. We went touring the City and met some new friends. We took them out to eat and had good conversations . That was good. We also went to youth group which was a lot of fun and different. We met a guy in the youth group, "sk" and unexpectantly met up with his family while we were on our way back to the hotel. We took them out for cay (tea). The day ended up being a really awesome day.
Today we had a nice pace which helped us work through the jet lag. We had breakfast at our hotel then a time of study. We are looking Paul's letter to the Ephesians this week. Then spent time preparing a bit for our time with "e's" youth group. We took the bus for the first timw today, it was very crowded.
We spent time with oue friends and share dinner together. We continue to meet new people which is great. No rain today an we are thankful.
Church tomorrow, cant wait.
Today we had a nice pace which helped us work through the jet lag. We had breakfast at our hotel then a time of study. We are looking Paul's letter to the Ephesians this week. Then spent time preparing a bit for our time with "e's" youth group. We took the bus for the first timw today, it was very crowded.
We spent time with oue friends and share dinner together. We continue to meet new people which is great. No rain today an we are thankful.
Church tomorrow, cant wait.
Friday, February 15, 2013
DR Team- Cercadillo
Today was our first day of full ministry here in the DR. We started our bathroom project in the village of Cercadillo. Ina York, our host missionary, has been working in this village for the last five years. We started our day with worship and prayer on the rooftop of where we are staying, as the sun rose. Within minutes of arriving to Cercadillo we were greeted by many of the excited and energetic children. We played many games and soon became human attraction rides, having horseback races and spaceship takeoffs. The team also spent a great amount of the day mixing cement and building the foundation of the area that will serve the community with four bathrooms. It was awesome to be working under the direction of a local pastor of another area, Alberto. We will be heading back to Cercadillo tomorrow for some more time to love on the kids and start building up the walls of the bathrooms. We also will be doing kids ministry in the afternoon at Alberto's church. Pray that God continues to fill us with His love so that it overflows and His direction as we move forward.

Our First Full Day
After a very long day and night of having traveled it was nice to sleep horizontally in a bed, as opposed to in the airplane!!
Today was our first full day of ministry, we woke up early and headed to Dnaya which is school here, we were able to minster to the children through song, stories, and laughter. The principal of the school was telling us that when the school runs out of water they have to send the children down 2 km to get water. So we're purchasing a water tank for the school which will hold water for 2 weeks before needing to be refilled. We also went to Umzinto Primary which is another local school. We picked up sporting equipment to give to their program. We are all settled in and almost over our jet lag. We just finished a delicious home made Indian meal and now were off to worship with a youth group. We will poST again soon! Luke misses his sister.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Update from SA team
The SA team has arrived and is settled in to the home away from home. They are resting and will post soon!
SA reminder
The SA teamshould be landing within the hour. They have a one hour dirive to their destinatin. They will post as soon as they are able. They may not have internet right away
DR Team
The DR team has arrived safely and soundly. We were half awake getting through customs and immagration,but God is good! We were able to nap for a couple hours once we arrived here at the Time Center and awoke to a wonderful brunch and orientation with our host missionary. We are rehearsing and preparing for our next couple of days ahead of us. We will begin our Bathroom Project tomorrow and be visiting a few local churches through the weekend. All of the students are wide eyed and anxious to be a part of what God is doing here in the Dominican Republic. Pray for us as we begin our journey and be part of His story.
City Team
the City Team arrived safely with luggage in tow. no travel issues. we have checked into the hotel explored the neighborhood a bit. after a quick nap we have orientation. pray for a good nights rest.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Q14 on the move!
The City team was the first Q14 team to depart. We left the Rice Lodge at 4:30 am! We are currently on a layover at JFK our next flight is non-stop to the City. Thanks for joining or journey.
The SA team is on the way to Logan for a noonish departure to begin a 24+ hour trip.
The DR team flies out tonight at 11pm.
Thank you to so many who helped make this day possible.Asking God to guide each step of the way.
More soon!
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