When I first heard about Quest I assumed it was for "older" kids, and that it was only a trip to a country overseas. It seemed pretty boring to my 7th grade mind. However, as I have gone through this experience (no, it isn't just a trip) called Quest, God has shown me things and moved in people around me in ways I would have never believed. My life has been changed by Christ through Quest. One of the things that I experienced and that God showed me is how worthless my own vision of my future life can become. My idea of a future was a wealthy and successful one, with God's plan somehow fitting into my own. I still hadn't given my entire life back to Him who gave me the very breath in my lungs. While we were in the City we visited a few small businesses. The owners of these businesses were Christians who had given up family, friends, and a culture and language they understand, to follow a God whose plan was not their own. As I heard the story of one couple who once had everything from a house on a golf course to a convertible, I was struck by how selfish and prideful I was. They gave up a very comfortable life in order to manage an art studio in a foreign country for the sake of Christ. The funny thing is that they have never been more full of joy than now, as they pursue God's will with everything they have. What that means for me I'm not sure yet, but I know that I want to be the one who lays everything down before God, takes up His cross, and follows the One who knows every step I will ever take.
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