My time in the DR with my Quest family is one I’ll never forget. It was eye opening and life changing in so many different ways. Coming back home has been so humbling for me. I have learned to appreciate what I have and to not “grunt or complain” (Philippians 2). In fact, the experience that I had painting in the church of Don Gregorio thought me this lesson the most. Having never painted before in my life I had no idea what to expect. This chapter in the Bible really pushed me to give my all that day. I got so messy that day and was so exhausted but it felt good seeing that church looking new. Although I was able to put scripture into practice, it was also a moment in which I saw God move. While working our team was off to our side while two young men from the church where in the other room. One of the guys put on both English and Spanish worship songs. To the surprise of the team the boys where worshipping God in English as well as Spanish. This was a bridge in which we were able to establish a relationship with these young men from the church. I was able to see God move that day by seeing that although most of the team was nervous about the language barrier there was a way in which language was none at all. It proved to me that my God is omniscient. In all, the trip really allowed me to open up my eyes to the whole world and not just mine
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Kelly -- South Africa
God is good! I went to South Africa with a closed mind, you could say. I didn’t know what specifically what we were going to be doing, or who we were going to meet, when I needed to share my story, or anything in between. I was so nervous and God really showed me that I shouldn’t be. People every day should be seeing or hearing about how God works and inspires others.
Even with being a believer I was amazed at how much I got out of the trip. One day we were at Noodsburg, which is an orphanage. The kids were so happy and loved playing with the team and the youth group that accompanied us. Seeing the joy in their eyes from the simple things in life really made me realize that God has truly blessed me and I need to not take the little things for granted, or even the big things. We also went to a few families’ houses that welcomed us in like we were part of their family and they served us first as if we were royalty. It was really different, in a really good way. The people there gave complete strangers, some which they may never see in their life again, food to put in our stomachs before their own family. It was really inspiring because that was the kind of thing that actually made us feel wanted there. They would literally save up weeks, maybe even months of their paychecks to make sure they had food to go around for us. Seeing how humble and selfless they were was really eye opening.
By the end of the trip God really showed me that I can make a difference. He helped me through speaking publicly about my faith and finally getting out of my comfort zone because that will go long ways when I share what He wants me to instead of me just listening to myself. I’m so glad I went on the South Africa trip! It was not only a life-changing experience, but a faith-changing one as well.
Even with being a believer I was amazed at how much I got out of the trip. One day we were at Noodsburg, which is an orphanage. The kids were so happy and loved playing with the team and the youth group that accompanied us. Seeing the joy in their eyes from the simple things in life really made me realize that God has truly blessed me and I need to not take the little things for granted, or even the big things. We also went to a few families’ houses that welcomed us in like we were part of their family and they served us first as if we were royalty. It was really different, in a really good way. The people there gave complete strangers, some which they may never see in their life again, food to put in our stomachs before their own family. It was really inspiring because that was the kind of thing that actually made us feel wanted there. They would literally save up weeks, maybe even months of their paychecks to make sure they had food to go around for us. Seeing how humble and selfless they were was really eye opening.
By the end of the trip God really showed me that I can make a difference. He helped me through speaking publicly about my faith and finally getting out of my comfort zone because that will go long ways when I share what He wants me to instead of me just listening to myself. I’m so glad I went on the South Africa trip! It was not only a life-changing experience, but a faith-changing one as well.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Isaac -- South Africa
The time I spent in South Africa with my team was amazing. It was a true blessing to go on the trip and have the experience that I have. Just being able to participate in Quest program was a blessing.
When going to South Africa, I had no idea what to expect. Even though I wasn’t sure of what we were going to do there, I was mostly nervous about meeting strangers and publicly talking to them. But, of course on the trip I was pushed out of my comfort zone and I’m so grateful that it happened. In SA, I shared a testimony about how God has a big role in my life with sports when we were talking to a basketball team at a township we went to and I got to pray for the team. I also got to share a testimony with a group of kids at the Westville Baptist Church youth group and I got to speak to some people at the shelters we went to. It was awesome to get to share with these people. They showed interest in what I was saying and that gave me encouragement. I finally got to a point where I wasn’t as scared anymore to talk to others or share stories with others. I felt as if it was a lot easier to talk publicly. God showed me that I shouldn’t be afraid of sharing a testimony, a story, or my faith in general and that I should speak up more at times. It was amazing to finally be able to speak to people without being so shy.
In South Africa, I also got to meet some of the nicest people in the world. It was amazing to see how they welcomed us and showed love to us even though we were complete strangers from a different part of the world. It showed me that I should show more love to my family and friends and to others, especially like a newcomer to our youth group.
SA was an amazing experience and I’m so thankful that I got to experience it with my team and the people there. I’m glad that I have so much to be sharing here in my own youth group and city and I’m ready to see what God has in store next.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Jessica -- South Africa
Being in South Africa was amazing! I remember someone told us that we wouldn’t necessarily fall in love with the country but with the people there. I didn’t take it too seriously but after going to South Africa I realized that it was so true. South Africa is a beautiful country but the people there shine so much brighter. They showed us so much love and went out of their way for us. I’m so lucky and thankful to God that I got the chance to meet such amazing people. I also learned so much from them. I learned that I should be more humble towards the people around me and just show them love. By showing the people around me love I can volunteer at local shelters or even share the Gospel with them. It’s just so simple! However, what I ultimately learned at South Africa was that sometimes I have to come out of my comfort zone and help the people around me and not focus on just myself because that‘s what Jesus did and that‘s what he wants us all to do.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Emily -- The City
Going to The City was the most amazing experience I could have experienced. Going to a place where so much was started is amazing to think. Learning about the history, the people, the culture, and how everything works is something i have always wanted to do. Going to The City opened my heart, my mind, and my eyes to what God has truly planned for my future. Meeting with the workers and seeing what they do everyday taught me that i can be the light in this world in whatever I may do in my future. God showed me that if i trust in him and give my life completely to him, anything is possible. I’m ready to be the light in this city and I cat wait to go back!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Makayla - Dominican Republic
The Quest program was life changing. I saw God work in amazing ways; from provision to using everyone on my team in unexpected ways. I think the thing I learned the most about was how to be a servant, and how people see Christ in those who serve.
I loved the D.R! In the D.R I learned about being flexible, because everyday I never knew what to expect, and nothing ever went according to plan! I was challenged when we went to Cercadillo, I needed to be energetic with the kids and I needed to be patient with them and God gave me the ability to do that so I could show Christ’s love to all the kids. One of my favorite things that we did over there was teach the kids English because it was something they were very excited about, and I was glad to help.
I really loved everyone on my team, and during the week we all became closer. On the last day it was really hard to say goodbye! I’ll never forget anything that God showed me, especially that God isn’t just the God of America; He’s the God of the whole world, He is everywhere and He can do anything and everything.
I loved the D.R! In the D.R I learned about being flexible, because everyday I never knew what to expect, and nothing ever went according to plan! I was challenged when we went to Cercadillo, I needed to be energetic with the kids and I needed to be patient with them and God gave me the ability to do that so I could show Christ’s love to all the kids. One of my favorite things that we did over there was teach the kids English because it was something they were very excited about, and I was glad to help.
I really loved everyone on my team, and during the week we all became closer. On the last day it was really hard to say goodbye! I’ll never forget anything that God showed me, especially that God isn’t just the God of America; He’s the God of the whole world, He is everywhere and He can do anything and everything.
Kristin - Dominican Republic
Being in the Dominican Republic was such a life changing experience for me. God really showed me so many things from the village to my quest team. I saw how rich the people in the village really were and how he just puts a smile on the children’s faces when they are living in the hardest times. I also saw how he can use people like me to show his love and to share the gospel with people. Not only the people in the Dominican Republic but in my school, church, home, and community God is the God of all the world and the good news is meant to be shared with everyone. God is working in such a powerful way and just to be a part of what God is doing in the Dominican Republic is such a blessing.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Patrick - The City
The City was really awesome. I learned a lot about a completely different culture and made great new friends. Probably the biggest thing I got from this week was how to be a light where you are. That is what the workers did and that really inspired me. They were not trying to go out and convert people but just trying to live in a manner that glorified Christ, and God would open doors and allow the seeds that they planted to grow. I think it must be hard to be a light in a place so dark and yet there were some strong lights in that city. If they can do it in that city there is no reason I can't be a light in my town. This week I learned the power of living to glorify God and I am confident that he will do great things in The City.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Hannah - Dominican Republic
I am so thankful for my Quest experience. God showed himself to me many times over this trip, but one that really stands out in my head was when we attended a youth group. We were singing when all of a sudden the power went out. Standing in the dark we kept singing and we started to clap even louder. God told me through this experience that I need to stop focusing on worldly things and focus on him.
Marilyn - South Africa
I am truly blessed to have been able to be a part of this program, to meet so many new people, and to do God’s work in another country alongside fellow Christians and new best friends. Before I joined Quest I thought it was just a mission trip to another country. But after our first time meeting all together I realized it is so much more than that.
During our time in South Africa God pushed me to do things that used to terrify me. We went to a homeless shelter one night, to pray for the people there. For the first few minutes I was too afraid to do anything, too afraid to go and pray with the man God was telling me to pray with. I asked God for courage… and seconds later I was kneeling down asking the man if there was anything specific that he needed prayer for. I prayed for him and four other people that night without fear because God gave me the courage I needed.
My biggest realization came not during the trip, but on the 15-hour flight back home. We had just had an awesome week where I saw God work in absolutely amazing ways, and it was hard to be happy knowing I was going back to “normal” life. But as soon as that thought of “normal” life popped into my head God immediately began to tell me something. We aren’t just God’s messengers while we are in other countries… we are His messengers wherever we are. No matter where we are we need to be following His plan, showing His love, and telling others about Him. And that is exactly what I have been striving to do ever since I stepped off that plane back into the US. Whatever His plans are for me I know that they are good. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
During our time in South Africa God pushed me to do things that used to terrify me. We went to a homeless shelter one night, to pray for the people there. For the first few minutes I was too afraid to do anything, too afraid to go and pray with the man God was telling me to pray with. I asked God for courage… and seconds later I was kneeling down asking the man if there was anything specific that he needed prayer for. I prayed for him and four other people that night without fear because God gave me the courage I needed.
My biggest realization came not during the trip, but on the 15-hour flight back home. We had just had an awesome week where I saw God work in absolutely amazing ways, and it was hard to be happy knowing I was going back to “normal” life. But as soon as that thought of “normal” life popped into my head God immediately began to tell me something. We aren’t just God’s messengers while we are in other countries… we are His messengers wherever we are. No matter where we are we need to be following His plan, showing His love, and telling others about Him. And that is exactly what I have been striving to do ever since I stepped off that plane back into the US. Whatever His plans are for me I know that they are good. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
Friday, March 2, 2012
Kory - The City
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Cody - South Africa
“Where you go, I go. What you say, I’ll say, God.” If my Quest experience had to be summed up in a short phrase, that would be it. While the time spent in Quest is about learning to be a leader, it’s also a about learning how to be lead by God.
Stepping off the plane in Durban I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that it was time to open my heart to what God wanted to do through me. In just the first day we had seen an entire wall of people who had died of aids…in just one place. When a death toll isn’t just a number, when it’s a list of names, of people that were there one minute and gone the next; women, men and children alike all extinguished by the same cold blooded, faceless killer. It’s stunning. It makes you appreciate the life you’ve been given, the time especially. God has granted me a strong, young body. With which I can move around this world as a beacon of his love. It didn’t take much for people to feel love, some just wanted a smiling face to take the time to sit and hear them out.
To walk into some of the worst living conditions, places where you can feel the darkness around you, and make someone smile because God prodded you to sit by them and pray. It brought people joy to feel a warm loving hand reaching out to them. That’s worth it all together. When you can see the love of God prevailing in the darkest corners of the world, you can’t put a price on that. God has shown me the power of his love in this trip. But it doesn’t stop in South Africa, God wants me to take that same boldness and love and share it with anyone who I come into contact with. Am I sad that I had to leave? Yes. Do I wish I was still there? Yes. But the point of Quest isn’t going on the trip, its coming back.
Stepping off the plane in Durban I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that it was time to open my heart to what God wanted to do through me. In just the first day we had seen an entire wall of people who had died of aids…in just one place. When a death toll isn’t just a number, when it’s a list of names, of people that were there one minute and gone the next; women, men and children alike all extinguished by the same cold blooded, faceless killer. It’s stunning. It makes you appreciate the life you’ve been given, the time especially. God has granted me a strong, young body. With which I can move around this world as a beacon of his love. It didn’t take much for people to feel love, some just wanted a smiling face to take the time to sit and hear them out.
To walk into some of the worst living conditions, places where you can feel the darkness around you, and make someone smile because God prodded you to sit by them and pray. It brought people joy to feel a warm loving hand reaching out to them. That’s worth it all together. When you can see the love of God prevailing in the darkest corners of the world, you can’t put a price on that. God has shown me the power of his love in this trip. But it doesn’t stop in South Africa, God wants me to take that same boldness and love and share it with anyone who I come into contact with. Am I sad that I had to leave? Yes. Do I wish I was still there? Yes. But the point of Quest isn’t going on the trip, its coming back.
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