Today we went to a local church. We sat throught the service understanding little to none, but worshiped in spirit. It was interesting to hear the songs we are use to singing at our very own churches, in another language. After church we met for "coffee hour" with the local people. We did our best to involve ourselves in the conversations, and ended up making new friends. You'll be seeing plenty of new friends added on all of our FB pages :) We took our party of 30 some; diverse followers, across the street to a local resteraunt for lunch. Our mid day lunch was loud and full of conversation.

From there we followed our new pals to the bowling alley! What a time, there were so many HIGH SCORES..and low. At least two students bowled for the first time. We took our group across from the bowling alley into another resteraunt and finished off the day with fruit drinks and banana splits. Every meal we had today started off with watching waitors clash together 8 tables at a time! Today was wonderful, along with the weather. Keep us in prayer, and keep the comments coming! we love them..not just emily
From there we followed our new pals to the bowling alley! What a time, there were so many HIGH SCORES..and low. At least two students bowled for the first time. We took our group across from the bowling alley into another resteraunt and finished off the day with fruit drinks and banana splits. Every meal we had today started off with watching waitors clash together 8 tables at a time! Today was wonderful, along with the weather. Keep us in prayer, and keep the comments coming! we love them..not just emily
Hi City Team! I am enjoying following your progress and experiences on the blog, so thanks for posting. It sounds like quite an adventure so far. Erica and I are praying for all of you, especially that your fellowship together, as well as with those you meet there, will bring you into a fuller, deeper relationship with our Lord & Savior. Blessings from back home -
Gina Wilson
That is great that you had fellowship and had so many for lunch! Making new friends is so fun, i am glad that the team is having fun with them and the activies. Praying for you guys!
Hope your enjoying the food i miss it so and the people <3
-love your sister in Christ
Hey city team, I'm so glad that you guys have been having a great time there :) I know that God is truly using you guys to impact the lives of many, and at the same time transforming your lives! Emily, we are so proud of you (and everyone else)... we miss you and we can't wait to hear all the stories that you will have! Continue to enjoy the city and its people as much as you guys can. and remember: Greater things are yet to come, greater things are yet to be done for God is the God of the City!
- much Love from the Boston Metro family :D, God bless
Hi city team. We love you and we are praying for every one on that team. God bless and use you as lights for others.
Dear Moriah and the City Team,
So awesome to read about your trip! Great to hear God ia already answering prayer for warmer weather and engaging conversations. Those are just the outward, visible signs of answered prayer. Let that be an encouragement to all of you that God is also answering your prayers for the unseen that is taking place inwardly in the hearts of the people you've been praying for.
Continuing to pray for you Moriah and rest of your team.
Sounds like an awesome Sunday you guys had today! We love reading about your experiences, and know that the Lord is using them richly in your lives and in the lives of those you are interacting with. We continue to pray that your faith will be built up, that you will be filled with the knowledge of His will and supplied with spiritual wisdom and insight. (Col. 1) Even prayed for you guys while running the Austin Half-Marathon this morning! :-) (and eating breakfast tacos afterward!!)
It sounds like you are having so much fun!! We are praying for you all every day! Be safe, God bless. Emily, I LOVE YOU!! Post more pictures so we can see!! :)
I just read the "eight tables" post it sounds like so much fun. I bet the people are so interesting. Bowling is a great way to have fun with new friends. I hope long lasting friends will be made. It was so good to see your post Moriah. We love you. Mama
Hi Moriah,
Love reading about your adventures. I'm on my knees every night for you and your team. We all miss you but are so happy you are having this wonderful opportunity. Many people asking for you. Can't wait till you get home. Stay safe. Love, Nans and Papa
FYI Allyson, this blog format is not user friendly for us older folk. It took quite a while before we figured out the format.
Have fun Blue Eyes. Papa
Great blog Moriah!!
Loved reading everything you wrote. Bowling is such a great way to meet new friends, along with good food & conversation. Loving hearing about everything you are doing and can't wait to see all the great photos you are taking over there. Love you lots. Aunty Steff
Hi daddy! I Miss You!! I have been playing those chords and now can do it without looking! So exciting!(Sams been playing too. ;) I love you!! Can't wait until you get home. You're the best dad in the world. cous,cous.
Hi Dad,
The hitting clinic was good! We did different drills and it was fun. I played the bucket in church yesterday :) Mom made a video. I miss you!
Love, Sam
Hi Jo! judging from the pics it looks like you are having fun! I have been praying for you and your team; can't wait to hear your stories. love ya!
-Savannah <3
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