Sunday, February 21, 2010


All three teams arrived home safely and within 2 hours of one another. Hugs first then stories began to spill out as the chatter level rose louder with each story shared. Some stood face to face while across the room small clusters gathered. It was quite the sight. After dinner groups shared briefly and then began to settle in for much needed showers and rest.

On Saturday groups met for some final details and planned their time of sharing.

Over 130 were present for the Quest 11 Celebration. Parents, siblings, mentors, youth leaders and pastors were present for the time of reporting and sharing. Each team gave a brief glance into their experience.

Thank you for following our journey. Please continue to pray for those you know at they process and infuse what has taken place. Beginning today the blog will be filled with reflections by students and faculty. These will be added over the next few days.

Thank you.

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