Quest 10 is in the final days before heading out. Last Saturday during YEC the three teams met for a time of prep and during the evening celebration were commissioned. This Sunday local congregations will do the same.
This year marks the tenth year of Quest!! This is the ninth year a team has traveled to the Dominican Republic and the third year a team has traveled to South Africa. A third team was added this year and will travel to "The City." More than 133 students have participated in Quest. This year's team of 27 students represent 15 congregations.
Here are the teams:
Dominican Republic
Kathy, Columbia CT
Jimmy, Litchfield, CT
Caitlyn, Billerica, MA
Ben, Manchester, CT
Marley, Manchester, CT
Jared, Warwick, RI
Lenny, Billerica, MA
Andre’, Bridgeport, CT
Sam, Warwick, RI
Kula, Boston, MA
Carmen, Middletown, RI
Jimmy, Manchester, CT
DR Faculty
Susie, team director
Justin, Q2-Alumni

South Africa
Kate, Middletown, RI
Catherine, Sterling, MA
Amber, Warwick, RI
Krestina, Newton, MA
Zach, Brunswick, ME
Jared, Sterling, MA
Josh, Newton, MA
Deva, Boston, MA
SA Faculty
Ken, team director
Katelyn, Q4-Alumni
The City
Krissy, Middletown, RI
Andrew, Hartford, CT
Brittany, N. Berwick, ME
David, Manchester, CT
Nic, Sudbury, MA
Kelsea, Sterling, MA
Tessa, Manchester, CT
City Faculty
Allyson, director
Beth, Q3-Alumni
Kate, Middletown, RI
Catherine, Sterling, MA
Amber, Warwick, RI
Krestina, Newton, MA
Zach, Brunswick, ME
Jared, Sterling, MA
Josh, Newton, MA
Deva, Boston, MA
SA Faculty
Ken, team director
Katelyn, Q4-Alumni

Krissy, Middletown, RI
Andrew, Hartford, CT
Brittany, N. Berwick, ME
David, Manchester, CT
Nic, Sudbury, MA
Kelsea, Sterling, MA
Tessa, Manchester, CT
City Faculty
Allyson, director
Beth, Q3-Alumni

Hey all, I just wanted to start off by saying that I am praying for you all, that you will all be open to God using you for His will and that He would move through all of you in a way that you have not experienced before. Way to go Britt way to hold down the NCBC. God Bless
omgoshh guys we are leaving tomorrow ! i'll be praying for everyone ... i just can't wait to see what God has in store for all of us
I am so proud of all of you. Prayers for God to open doors and bless your efforts in the City. With Him ALL things are possible!
Hey guys -- So excited for all of you. Can't wait to hear what God does all around the world with these trips. Praying for you to all experience God in ways that you never thought possible. Enjoy your trips!!!
I don't know quite how this works! but hi guys! My name is Josh Quint and i am from the Quest 9 team that traveled to the DR last feburary. I really pray that god opens up your eyes and allows you to see how you can be used in the mission field. I also pray that god will open up the hearts of the people that you will be working with in which ever country you are in or whatever team you are in. and Rob no worries i'll be at youth group tomorrow!
Hey Sam, I didn't get to see you after school befor you left today. I wanted to say bye but it's all good haha. Have fun and good luck in the DR. I'm sure youll succeed at all that you do.
P.S. You better call me as soon as you get home... before elyssa too.
You guys are amazing! I am so proud of you all, and can't wait to see the wondrous things our God will do though you. Godspeed, Questies!
P.S. FBC Youth - Seeing you all and hearing your excitement Sunday filled me with His love for you. Know you're in my prayers.
Hey Questies! I am praying for you all that God will truly show you something new and amazing in each of your lives! God bless you all!
Hey questies!! I'm so excited that all of you are finally going on this trip. God is going to do wonderful things through all of you. Don't let yourself be held back from doing anything for Him. There may be times when you don't feel comfortable doing something, but don't let that stop you. God wants to use you and wants to use others to touch you. Open yourselves up to everything He has to offer while you're in your respective countries. I can tell you from personal experience that He is going to change you and use you one way or another so you might as well get the full effect.
And to all my FBCM-ers: I'm praying for you guys every day! I'm so excited for all you guys. It's still hard to believe that all you guys are in Quest, but I know that this trip will do great things for you, and that God is going to do great things through you. I can't wait for you guys to come home so I can come back from school when you guys share to hear all about your experiences! Take lots of pictures and write down EVERYTHING. You won't want to forget a single moment. (And to Jimmy, Marley, and Ben: I recommend the pineapple).
- Alison (Q8)
Quest 08' SOUth africa - Nasya
Please know that you are loved, missed & being prayed for! Praying God opens many doors of ministry opportunities & for your boldness to walk with Him & be used as & where He directs.
Catherine, Jared, Kelsea, Ken and Allyson:
We're at youth group in the sancctuary writing on the big screen! We hope that you all have a great trip. Be safe! We are praying for you!!
Love from Omega!!!
You can track their flight here:
Only 7,900 miles to go...
Hi I hope you guys are doing well and helping people good luck!
Have fun
Hi. I hope everyone is okay. Mrs. Ibrihim, everyone is getting sick!
Have fun everyone.
MISSIN U! HAVE FUN IN THE D.R.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!POOP!\
MISSIN U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK THE SUB IS MEEN
Dear Senorita Ibriham,
Hows DR? We had 41 people out from school in the 7th grade on Wednesday. So whatchya doing in DR? Come back the sub is not that nice.
Everyone have a great time, and good luck on helping out!
Hve a great time in the dr hope your having fun there
Hey Britany,
Shannon and I are thinking of you and incredibly proud of your participate in this journey. We look forward to hearing how God is using you and challenging you in your walk with Him. EPH 2 Walk in a way that is worthy of HIS great love for us. And good going keeping the NCBC tradition going!!
Hey guys! hope your trip was safe!
Catherine, jared. Kelsea Ken and Allyson! been praying for you and all the questees! i think its so cool that you guys are over seas experiencing something so amazing! wish i could witness all the good you'll do ... although im sure when you come home you will take these life lessons with you no matter where you go.
i love you all and wish you the greatest of luck. i'll be messaging you guys throughout the week so be expecting more!
your all so amazing!
ps. i miss my roomy! love you bundles!
Hey Kelsea, Zach, Jared, Catherine, Ken, and Allyson!!
We know you're having fun and are probably pretty tired already :)
We love you guys and miss you! Katie sends you hugs. We know you guys will do some really amazing stuff. We're praying for you!
--Girls Bible Study at Hope
(Cassie, Brianna, Bri, Katie)
hey guys!
Kelsea, jared, ken , catherine and allyson!
i love you all .. and i hope your feeling ok .. not too tired! i wish i could be there to witness all the good you'll do across seas.. and im sure you'll take away many wonderful life lessons from this trip. i miss you.
- cassie
So glad to hear the City team and the DR team made it safely, but has anyone heard about the SA team? Would love to know that they made it there as well.
You have matured so much through preparing for this experience and I can't wait to see how God continues to use you. The NCBC youth group loves you and we are praying for all the Questies.
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