Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bekah Q

When i traveled to the Dominican Republic I prayed that God would put someone in my path to winess to or to encourage. Although he did that many times he also put me in Ina's path. Ina was the missionary we worked with in the village of Cercadillo. She encouraged me to be more interested in missions and listening to what God has to tell me. Also, she shared her testimony with us and it impacted me to be a better disciple of God. She told us aout how she wasn't sure of what God wanted her to do but she kept waiting. She ended up noticing that she was telling him what she should do instead of listening to him and being patient. This impacted me because this is my Junior year and im trying to figure out what im going to do with the rest of my life. And my heart was set on medical careers as well as missions. I have been trying to figure it out myself but i need to understand that i need to give it to God. "Thy will be done". Not my will! I have been praying more about it and God has not clearly shown me but i know he will. And i want to live my life that is pleasing to him. I thank God for letting us meet Ina, because she impacted me with her story and im sure she has impacted many others.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


My mission in the DR is one I will never forget. First off, lets just talk about the fact that we were a team of all girls. I'm the kind of girl who would much rather be hanging out with the guys playing sports because the girls stress me out too much, and there I was with 7 other girls! In a sense, God took me out of my comfort zone, and showed me so much through you ladies! Over the course of the trip, God blew my mind in too many ways to count. I really saw God in a much more real way than I ever have in my life. I found Him in his word, and he was speaking to me through his word. It was incredible! The people I met in the DR will remain with me always, they may not know it... but they have made such an impact on my life, and everyone I tell my story to. All I can say is wow. What an incredible experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My Trip to the DR was life-changing. My view of salvation changed. I had grown up in the church, but seeing how those people live, I saw that they need salvation like they need clean water. The thing that impacted me the most was meeting a seventeen year-old girl who was married and had a baby. I'm seventeen and thought to myself, 'If I lived here, I could be married and have a child as well'. It impacted me personally because it made me realize that the teenage girls their had to give up their childhoods very quickly. It was sad to see how grown up the children were, having to take care of their infant siblings, getting water for their families, and watching over themselves everyday. I enjoyed the time i got to spend with the Dominicans and would love to go back and continue the work there. I loved every person that I met and would do this trip all over again if I was given the opportunity.

Bekah V

William Carey said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” The message of this quote were shining brightly throughout the 10 days my team and I spent in the Dominican Republic. There was not a moment that I did not feel God's presence. During the second half our trip, while serving in the village with the active missionary, Ina, I had the opportunity to share my testimony with some of the teenage girls from the village. In those few moments, I felt God speaking through me, and I knew that it was not me speaking, but Him speaking through me. It was absolutely amazing to see that everything I had been through in the past had a reason, even though I may not have known it at the time. On that same day, a few of my other team members and I were playing with the pre-school age kids that live in the village. It was a beautiful sight to see. Although they are not in the best situation, they still were happy. It was a phenomenal experience, and showed me that God's love has no limits. We were able to connect with the people of the DR on a completely different level. We may not have been able to speak to them directly because of the language barrier. However, we all shared one common language: the love of Christ.


Going to South Africa is probably one of the best experiences I’ll ever have. Going there helped show me how much God can use me, and anyone else that’ll let him work in their life. I always wanted God to use me, but on the trip when I completely gave up every fear to him in order for his will to be done I got to see him work in incredible ways. The third day of the trip I was completely exhausted from just getting over being sick and not getting much sleep the night before, and honestly I just felt awful. What started off as the worst day turned into the best day. That afternoon we went to a Zulu village. In the village we went into a small tent full of excited children. Even though it was a small tent inside big things were happening. Our group and I got to lead songs with the children, automatically brightening my mood seeing the joy in all their faces. Then for the first time in public I was able to go up and share my testimony with everyone. I could see how God was using us to touch the hearts of these children. After having some fun and sharing with them we began to ask the children serious questions about God. That day every child made the decision to stand up, and except Jesus Christ into their lives. I even got to pray with two little girls to ask Jesus into their hearts. Even though we spoke different languages there was no barrier, God saw their hearts and knew my words meant the same. After, I saw that even when I’m feeling weak the all powerful God can still use me because it’s not me doing the work, it’s him working through me. God will always be there to lift us up off our feet, and when you put your trust in him he will be glorified through you.

Monday, March 14, 2011


For the longest time, I have had crazy urges to travel across the world. My passion is to meet new people, learn about their culture, and build a relationship with them. I was able to live out God’s plan for me in “The City” as I spent 10 days meeting people from a foreign culture, religion, and tradition. God surrounded me with people who sent me off from my miniscule state of Rhode Island into the vast open world. God placed each one in our team into this position, an experience together never possible to forget. Relationships I never imagined came out of my Quest experience, ranging from my team members, to ”City” workers, to unbelievers known for a single day, to my new “City” friends whom I’ll never forget. Some of the most impacting realizations have come out of the entire quest experience. Through the constant prayer for those around me, the show of dedication among the workers in “The City,” and the ability to be a lamp among darkness, I have learned I’ve placed walls up against God’s plans for me. I’ve been so nervous to make mistakes my entire life, that I’ve developed a subconscious disregard for God showing me His plans for my life. This being one of many eye-openers I experienced in the city, I thank our God of the Universe for showing me these things in a place thousands of miles away from my home. His presence, and His ability to place my team around me, gave me the opportunity to make a conscious change, and reject what I have previously accepted about myself.


So I went to South Africa! This was the best trip of my life! God showed me lots of new things in life. Which is to become a stronger leader in Chirst and at my church! One thing that I got do is go to a Zulu village which touch my heart! We got the privilege to work with kids and sing songs and share testimoines with them! One thing that I got to do was pray for two little girls who accepted Chirst into their life which was amazing to see how God was working in their life and also in the village! It was amazing to see how God used me to minister to the two little girls! One lesson that I learned is if you put your full faith in trust in God he will do awesome things in many people lives!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I had the privilege of going to The City, it was an amazing experience and one i won't ever forget! One thing that I learned that week was the importance of building relationships and having patience. You can't just throw the Bible at someone and expect them to be a believer just like that, it takes time...and lots of prayer! The workers in the City are a prefect example of that as they reach out to non believers on a daily basis and live as examples of Christ. I've always been rather impatient with my unbelieving friends, but through this experience and the people i met God really showed me that through patience, prayer, and living as an example people notice, it just takes time!


Can words be as impactful as seeing something with your own eyes? In most circumstances, I believe that sight can provide an individual with substantially more insight than words. Besides, did not God give us two eyes and only one mouth? However, there is power in God’s Word. While the sensations of the Dominican Republic are still a profound mystery to me, I will try to convey how it was that I saw God’s Word come to life. During the latter part of our trip, the ladies of the D.R team and I were given the blessing of working with Ina York. As a woman of unfathomable faith and unwavering dedication to the Lord, Ina followed God’s call for her life to the Dominican Republic. It has only been about four years that she has permanently been there, but the impact that she has had on the people of Cercadillo is beyond imagination. From facing the witchcraft on the village head-on, to leading dozens of women to Christ, Ina revealed herself to be a true servant of Christ. There was one instance at the village where we were all sitting around in a circle with the women. Susie had asked a few girls to share their testimonies, but after Yassie, there was no time for anyone else because one by one the women shared their stories. I was blown away by the hardships that they had faced, but I was even more humbled by the fact that they all praised God for his love. God is incredible.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


God taught me a lot during the trip. One thing that I learned about was the importance of relationships and relationship building. The workers in the city spend years and years building relationships just to share with people. We have relationships with lost family members and friends that we don't take advantage of. God opened my eyes to the bountiful opportunities we have to share with others around us. I don't just want to say that; I want to put it into action in my life. I know I have lost family members who I can be a better witness to and I am planning on doing more to reach out to them. Praise God! He has a plan for us and will work everything out for the good.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I was on the South Africa team. The third day we were there we got the opportunity to visit a small, rural, Zulu village called, Bushyvale. While we were there, we broke into small groups and went out to do door-to-door ministries. We visited a few homes, and got the chance to encourage families that were already believers, and pray over any needs that were present within their homes. We were at our second to last home, and Ken had told me I would be talking to the family. When we got in there one of the guys that was with us, that spoke Zulu and was translating for us, told us that the lady's daughter was in the next room, and was dying of AIDS. I got to talk to the mother, encourage her and tell her that God is always in control, and would always be there for her, no matter the circumstances. After talking to the lady, she invited us to pray for her daughter in her room behind the curtain. A few of us went behind the curtain, and we got the opportunity to pray with her, lay our hands on her, and hear her recite the sinners prayer. Soon after that she fell back asleep. She was only 26 years old, and she was in her death bed with AIDS. I never found out her name, but I'm thankful that God was able to use her to show me how valuable our life is, and how I should live every minute of it for him, and him alone, because it could all be gone in a matter of seconds. She was definitely one of the most memorable people I met while in South Africa, and I'm thankful for her life, and that one day we'll meet again in heaven, away from all the pain she felt that Saturday afternoon.


Since I returned from South Africa, I have definitely felt satan trying to push me away from God. Its kind of making me feel stronger though because I'm not giving in. I am reading Ephesians now with my small group and since I have been back it has been helping me alot. Especially in chapter 6, verses 10-11 "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." It's amazing how God can inspire a person. I feel God teachig me whats the next step to becoming a leader too. Little things like respecting your parents and people in general. Little things like that are things I need to work on in order to be a good leader because I need to lead others to do the things God wants them to do.


One person that I met in the DR that really made an impression on me was Ina. Our first full day with her we were able to go to her house and just listen to her share how much God has been able to do there through her. And given that opportunity to be able to hear how much God has done through just one person when they listen and wait for him to say go do it, and not ask questions about it. And it's got me asking to myself if I just listened to God and didn't question what he told me to do, and just did it, What would I be able to accomplish?


I had the opportunity to be on "the City" team. It was really an amazing experience. It reminded me that God is not just my God, or the God of the people in my church but the God of this universe. The dynamic in "the City" is a little different, openly proclaiming your Christian faith is illegal for someone my age. Because of this we had the constant chance to prayer walk. I had prayer walked before but to think that the people I was praying for might of never been prayed for before was mind blowing and honestly sad. At first i felt a lot of pressure praying for these people, like this may be the only time someone ever prays for them i better make it a good one. But it soon got overwhelming to pray like that. So i prayed for guidance i guess you could say, and God was like "really Erica what are you doing. Let the prayer come from your heart not your mind". It may seem weird and such a simple answer but it really opened my eyes and helped me be more aware of what he was doing around me and in "the City".

Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been planted on a firm foundation on Jesus, my rock and salvation, in the pass 3 or 4 years, but i was challenged as I left "the City" on the way back the the USA, the old Ashlee wanted to come back. I left Ashlee of the past behind me, the girl who was afraid and feared what would happen the next day. The girl who didn't want to go home and face reality, she built on a sandy foundation. Growing up knowing Jesus, but not having a personal relationship with him or accepting him as her own. I have embraced my rock foundation and I am holding on to Jesus. I don't want to go back to the way I was. I want to continue to grow in Christ. Lives have shown me that my foundation is rooted i can't let go of my faith or my hope in Christ. That he will see me through all my pain and struggles that i have to face. I get a chance to live my daily life praising him and having my foundation planted in him.


One of the moments that impacted me the most on my trip the Dominican Republic was the power of God, how mighty He is. I had the opportunity to share my testimony in front of a women's Bible study and it was an awesome feeling and it was great to experience being able to share how God has transformed my life. It was encouraging to know that my life experiences through Christ could help others. There are no barriers or boundaries for Christ. The love of Christ can shine through anything no matter the situation. I gained confidence to share the word of Christ and share my testimony. God gave me the most wonderful opportunity of my life.